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Q: Did all of the suitors agreed to Antinous's plan to ambush Telemachus at sea?
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Did all of the suitors agree to Antinous's plan to ambush Telemachus at sea?

If not all of the suitors agreed to the plot, then no one spoke up in Telemachus' defense, making them guilty by association and because they could potentially have stopped the attack.

Which of the suitors plot to kill Telemachus?

Eurymachus leads them all in their decision to ambush Telemachus.

What does Athena warn telemachus about?

The ambush of suitors waiting in Ithaca

What were the suitors planning for Telemachus?

They wanted to murder Telemachus before he was full grown and a bigger problem. They originally try to prevent Telemachus from leaving Ithaca, but he escapes. In response the suitors put twenty men on a ship and plan to ambush Telemachus on his ship. Once Telemachus was out of the way, he would no longer be a barrier between one of them marrying Penelope.

What would have happened if Odysseus did not arrive in a disguise?

Odysseus would not have been able to determine who was loyal. The suitors might be unprepared to ambush him. The suitors might be prepared to kill Telemachus. The suitors might be prepared to run away.

Who told Penelope about the wooers plan to ambush Telemachus?

A hetchman

How did Telemachus evade the ambush of the wooers?

His ship passed the Elian coast at night.

How does telemachus escape the ambush to kill him?

His ship passed the Elian coast at night.

Who told penelope about the wooers plan to ambush telemachus on his way back home?

Medon the henchman told Penelope about their plan.

How do you spell ambush?

Just as you have spelled it: ambush.

What is the collective noun for ambush?

The noun 'ambush' is a standard collective noun for:an ambush of tigersan ambush of widows

What is a ambush?

an ambush is a planned trap.