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Medon the henchman told Penelope about their plan.

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Q: Who told penelope about the wooers plan to ambush telemachus on his way back home?
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Does telemachus want Penelope to marry a suitor?

No, he wants the honor of his father, both he and Penelope want the suitors gone and Odysseus back

How did Telemachus's mother treat him?

Telemachus's mother, Penelope, treated him with great love and affection. She was protective of him and always hoped for his safety as he embarked on his journey to find his father, Odysseus. Penelope was a caring and supportive figure in Telemachus's life.

What is odysseus trying to do in the odessy?

get back to his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus after fighting in the trojan war and after the trojan horse was made

Who told Penelope that Odysseus had come back to claim his house and had slain all the wooers?

The news was delivered to Penelope by Eurycleia, the loyal nurse who recognized Odysseus by a scar on his leg while washing his feet. She confirmed his return and the defeat of the suitors.

Who was Odysseus trying to get back home to?

He tries to get back home to his wife, Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He wants to go back home and see his mom too. But, he sees her in the Land of the Dead during his journey.

Is Odysseus married?

Yes, he's married to Penelope. Odysseus and Penelope have a son, Telemachus. Odysseus tells Penelope, "You must promise me, if I don't come back by the time Telemachus has a beard, you must marry." Penelope promises. Odysseus, still alive after 20 years, comes back to Ithaca to find suitors (men who are trying to marry Penelope) all over his home. Penelope knew he was still alive after 20 years, but people kept telling her he was dead. Suitors are very mean. Athena discuises Odysseus as an old beggar, and he, and telemachus go to their house. Penelope doesn't know it's odyssus. she tells Odysseus (the "beggar") that he still loves Odysseus and promised that she'd marry when telemachus had a beard. he had a beard now. so she held a contest to pick a husband. the contest was to string Odysseus's box & shoot an arrow through 12 ax handles. all the suitors failed to string the bow. Odysseus, the beggar, strung the box, and shot it through the 12 ax handles. he, and telemachus, killed the suitors. Athena turned Odysseus back into his old self after he killed the suitors. Penelope didn't know if it was really Odysseus, so she told the maids to remove their bed from their tree & into another room. Odysseus got mad, since right after he left for troy, he built their house & bed around a tree. Their bed was basically their symbol. Penelope then realized it was really Odysseus. Penelope & Odysseus were then reunited with each other again. Hope I helped! (:

How does Telemachus' departure from Sparta parallel Odysseus' departure from Phaeacia?

Both Telemachus and Odysseus are aided by Athena in leaving their respective locations to get home to rescue Penelope from the suitors. Both men also sneak back into Ithaca in hopes of surprising the suitors by suddenly reappearing.

Did the eagle come back to kill Penelope?

No, the eagle did not come back to kill Penelope.

What two things are most dear to Odysseus?

Odysseus values his wife, Penelope, and his homeland, Ithaca, above all else. His unwavering love and loyalty towards Penelope drive him to overcome numerous challenges and obstacles on his journey back home. Despite facing many temptations and trials, Odysseus remains dedicated to reuniting with his beloved wife and reclaiming his kingdom.

What was Odysseus goal of his famous quest?

He wanted to get back home to his wife Penelope and son Telemachus in Ithaca after the fall of Troy. It is a long journey that takes him 10 years to return home.alien alien alien alien al hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahyhahhahahh

Where did Telemachus meet Theoclymenus?

praying beside Telemachus' ship before he was to leave to go back to Ithaca

Where does Odysseus long to be in the story?

Odysseus longs to be back in his homeland of Ithaca, where his wife Penelope and son Telemachus are waiting for him. Throughout his journey, he struggles to return home and faces numerous challenges and obstacles along the way.