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I do 't believe any got arrested, the were dressed as indians

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Q: Did all the colonists get arrested in the Boston tea party?
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Did the colonists get taxed after the Boston Tea Party?

After the boston tea party the king taxed all the tea in the colonies.

How did the colonists protest taxes?

Well all sorts of way, but i would have you look up the Boston tea party.

Did the colonists all support the Boston Tea Party?

no, some supported it and some didn't

Did the colonists submit to the will of King George when he cut off Boston?

The colonists did not submit to King George. A lot of colonists went to Boston and sent supplies from all over America. (The King tried to make them submit after the Boston Tea Party)

Who was affected by the Boston massacre?

After the Boston massacre was the Boston Tea Party/ tea act. They repealed all of the unpopular taxes on the colonists except tax on tea. That led into the Boston Tea party which began in 1773. Hope it helps you out!

What series of event linked the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party?

The British taxes on goods created hard feelings between the British and colonists. British soldiers panicked during a protest and caused the Boston Massacre. The British repealed all taxes except the one on tea in an effort to prove to the colonists that they had the power to tax the colonies. The colonists protested and caused the Boston Tea Party.

What did England do that upset the colonists?

The colonists destroyed all of the tea (the Boston tea party), Making the British mad because not only were they in debt already but now they were millions of dollars in debt because of the colonists.

Who threw out the tea at the tea party?

During the Boston tea party, the American colonists invaded British tea ships and threw all their tea overboard.

What the result of The Intolerable Acts?

After the Intolerable Acts the colonists were angry with all the other acts passed and then that led to the Boston Tea Party

How did the intolerable acts start?

The Intolerable Acts started when the Colonists dumped all the tea at the Boston Tea Party on December 16 1773.

What methods did the colonists use in their struggle with British authorities and how did the British try to counteract them?

The British tried to tax the colonists for all goods and services, and the colonists finally refused to pay and dumped all the English tea in the Boston Harbor, which came to be known as the Boston Tea Party. Next came the Revolutionary War, which the colonists won and signed the Declaration of Independence and won their independence from England.

What is the climax of the boson Tea Act?

The Climax of the Boston Tea Act was when the colonists, sailors, and merchants threw the Boston Tea Party. That's when the sailors sailed to the Boston Harbour, and dumped all of the Tea Party's teas in the bay in protest the high taxes and impositions from the royal crown.