

Did anne frank sleep on a bed?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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9y ago

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When still in hiding in Amsterdam, she did. When she was discovered and taken to a concentration camp, she slept in a bunk, without a mattress.

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Anne Frank died in Bergen-Belsen. Both Anne and Margot Frank contracted a disease in late February or early March of 1945. Anne died from the typhus epidemic and Margot while in a coma somehow rolled from her bed and died.

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In the "Secret Annex" where Anne Frank and her family were in hiding, Mr. Dussel slept in the same room as Anne Frank and Margot Frank. The room had a movable screen that separated the girls' sleeping area from Mr. Dussel's.

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The people in Anne Frank's family were; Margot Frank - Anne's sister Edith Frank - Anne's mother Otto Frank - Anne's father. The family pet name for Otto was 'Pim'.

Who wrote 'The Diary of Anne Frank?

'The Diary of Anne Frank' was written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding from the Nazis during the Second World War. Her diary has become a widely read account of life during the Holocaust.

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Margot Frank was Anne Frank's sister. She died of typhus in a concentration camp within days of Anne's death.

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Anne Frank is a/an Diarist