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29 Japanese airplanes were downed, and 5 mini-subs were lost.

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15y ago

MOST of the aircraft carriers and airmen who fought at Pearl Harbor were destroyed during the Battle of Midway in 1942.

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yes. alot of people did.

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Q: Did any Japanese people involved in the pearl harbor bombing die?
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What effect did the bombing of Pearl Harbor have on the people involved?

it took us into world war 2

What affect did the bombing of pearl harbor have on the people involved?

Emotional trauma and of course injuries or death.

Where were the Japanese-American people sent after the bombing of pearl harbor?

I believe sadly they were all sent to internment camps !

What did most people in Japan think about the attack on Pearl Harbor?

While the Japanese government and military thought the Pearl Harbor bombing was a real victory and blessing. However, the Japanese people did not share those views all through the country.

Why do people celebrate the bombing of pearl harbor?

People don't "Celebrate" Pearl Harbor, they remember Pearl Harbor.

How Did World War 2 Change History?

It made all people that lived in Pearl Harbor feel bad and they were mostly dead.We now are loving Hawaii and the Japanese are not bombing perl harbor.

Did the Japanese people know about World War 2?

Yes, since they were directly involved in it, including bombing raids on Japanese cities, and being occupied by the US military after the war.

How were Japanese Americans treated in Canada after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

They were treated like enemy spies by some racist people and then were put into internment camps for 5 years.

What were Japanese people called after the bombing of pearl harbor?

Knowing that this is going to get flagged for racially insensitive language... "Jap", often with a perjorative such as "dirty" in front, was pretty common.

Who was involved in peal harbor?

Fat too many people to try naming them. It was an attack on the United States military by the Japanese Navy.

How did American people react to the bombing of pearl harbor?

With righteous indignation.

What are opposing positions to the Japanese reasons for bombing Pearl Harbor?

Most people accept the fact that Japan wanted the US Battle Fleet out of the way; and the only way to do that was to destroy it.