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Q: Did any of the astronauts wife commit suicide?
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Related questions

Did Hitler have wife and kids when he killed himself?

He had a mistress that he is rumored to have married the day before his suicide. There were no kids.

What are the ways to commit assisted suicide?

Assisted suicide means that someone is helping someone commit suicide. Therefore it's any of the usual ways to commit suicide, just with someone helping.

Did Ernie pyle have any kids?

no, his wife was mentally unstable....she tried to commit suicide twice and he wasn't home often enough

If you commit suicide at age 19 will your parents receive benefits?

If you commit suicide at any age, your parents will receive a bill for your funeral, and that is about it.

Can a patient of obsessional neurosis commit suicide without any reason?

Usually has to be severe and along with Depressive Disorder to commit suicide.

Did any of the crew of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki commit suicide?


How do you commit suicide safely?

Suicide is a dangerous action. You are risking permanent and painful damage to any organ system.

How can you get suicide?

Suicide is not a disease and cannot be caught or transmitted. Suicide, by definition, is just the act of killing oneself for any reason whatsoever. It's an action- to commit suicide- not something you get.

What beach people commit suicide in the US?

I can't think of any one special.

How old must you be to commit suicide?

Suicide can be committed at any age. Do notice that teenagers and seniors are most likely to commit suicide, and below a certain age death is often not considered an option. Suicide is away from any laws or regulations. There is no minimum required age. In spite of this suicide is most common amongst teenagers as they often go through an emotional phase of their lives. Its one law in life.

Is it normal for teens to commit suicide after their favourite celebrity died?

No. It's not "normal", not by any stretch of the imagination.

Why do people commit suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge?

It's the same reason for any other type of suicide, the feeling of self-depreciation