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Q: Did any of the roman gods dislike each other?
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Who are the Roman gods and what is each one known for?

the roman gods are what the Romans believed in and each one had it's on monkey puzzle

Which gods dominated the Aztec religion?

There was no dominant diety in the Aztec pantheon like Jupiter in the Roman pantheon. The gods acted largely independent of each other, often in conflict with each other.

Why were there ancient roman gods?

Because the Ancient Roman people believed in those Roman gods and goddesses. As well as other gods and goddesses from foreign people.

How many roman gods is was there?

That is impossible to say. There was a pantheon of twelve main Roman gods; however the actual number of gods that existed in the belief of Roman pagans was innumerable. People had varying beliefs about the existence of certain gods, and some gods could even be equated with each other. There were also variations of the same god, for example Juno Lucina and Juno Sospita.

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Who was the roman god that ruled over the other gods?


What did Jupiter rule?

He ruled the other Roman Gods and Godesses

What were the duties of the roman gods janus and venus?

In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of gates, doorways, beginnings and endings, and of time. Also in Roman mythology, Venus was the goddess of love, fertility, and beauty. They appear to have no connection with each other.

What was the Roman gods attitude towards humans?

I suppose you'd have to ask the gods, but judging from some of their behaviors, Roman gods were kind of contemptuous of people, rather the way very wealthy people seem to feel about the working classes. Sometimes they found them amusing and even helped some of their favorite ones, other times they ignored their suffering or even set them to fight each other.

What are the similarities between Greek and Roman gods?

Both Greek and Roman gods are the same in essence, but have different aspects. Roman gods were taken from Greek gods, but tend to be more warlike and disciplined. Just like the Greek and Roman cultures, the Roman gods were more warlike, disclipined and honorable. The Greek gods on the other hand, tended to merge into the more artistic creative side. However, the main similarity between Greek and Roman gods is simply this: They are both the gods of whatever they were in the other culture. For example, Hera from Greek myths, is still the goddess of marriage in her Roman aspect, or Juno. Another example is Aphrodite, she is still the goddess of love in her Roman aspect, Venus.

Why did the roman gods like the goddess vesta?

The Roman gods liked the goddess Vesta for various reasons. She was the virgin goddess of family, home and hearth. The god was not inaugurated in the temples like other gods.

What Roman god ruled over the sky and the other gods?

Jupiter did.