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It is very common for women to have that instinct feeling. Don't feel bad if you don't though. This also is not a for sure way to determine pregnancy by any means. Several women have that feeling if they also just really want to be pregnant and are hoping.

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Q: Did any of you moms just feel pregnant before you missed your period?
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What the women do when she is pregnant?

Missed period ,feel sleepy and you will throw up mostly 4times

What are other signs that you are pregnant besides a missed period?

you will feel tired and you be sleeping alot & eating.

Can you feel your pregnant right away?

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How early did you take a pregnancy test?

I took first response 5 before my missed period and it was nagitive. I feel like i am pregnant so im going to take another one in 2 days!

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you could be having a miscarriage

Im on your period but feel pregnant?

I was pregnant for 4 months, had my regular cycle, and was on birth control. The 4th month I finally missed a period and took an at home test. Boy was I surprised.

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There is not for sure way to tell that you are pregnant without a test, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Look for symptoms such as swollen/tender breasts, nausea, missed period, and fatigue/tiredness.

Can you still be pregnant and your period come on and still feel pregnant?

Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.

What is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test to find out if your pregnant?

Missing menstruation (missing your period) would generally be the earlist sign of pregnancy. .....I could tell i was pregnant about 1 week after my missed period...not because of a blood test but me and my partner felt a difference during sex. it felt, well smoother. The earliest you can be SURE is when someone hears the heartbeat or you feel movements. why not just take a test?

You have your heavy period every month but you think you might be pregnant?

If your having a heavy period its very slim that you are pregnant. But if you had sex while you are pregnant you can actually get pregnant while having intercourse on your period. What exactly make you feel you are pregnant? and if you were pregnant before this period you need to see a doctor A.S.A.P. Something is going on in there.

You missed your period and you feel very tired weak and have faintness are you pregnant?

It is nearly impossible to determine if you are pregnant via symptoms, because what you have described are the symptoms of at least nine different conditions. See a doctor.