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My dear friend, the answer is PLAIN AND SIMPLE: NO! NO one person created Hinduism, instead, it was created by THOUSANDS of great men and women, over a period of MANY thousands of years, and Hinduism is a DYNAMIC and EVER-EVOLVING religion and almost all the time sages and enlightened masters are always improving, fine-tuning and expanding this great and wonderful religion. You might want to go through the web and consult an Indian or any spirituality center that deals with South Asian faiths, philosophies, and religions near you about the possible ways through which you may acquire more information.. P.S. your local bookstore may have some books about the above mentioned subject, which may also be of great help to you

While the above statements are essentially true, it must be emphasized that Hinduism is actually study in Metaphysics with large components accepting the existence of GOD. Though we do have Charvakas within the main Hindu tradition who are Atheist. The prime example of Atheiesm is Budhha.

Hindu metaphysics attempts to find the reason of all Evilness with in us and finding ways to go beyond it.

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Q: Did any one person create Hinduism?
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I do not think the question is very clear. If it means that whether there are any rules and regulations in Hinduism, then, sure, there are. But they relate to the responsibilities of a person towards the family and the society, and valuing traditions. That is known as 'Dharma' (duties and righteous conduct). Where Hinduism is quite lenient is about one's belief in God/Gods/Goddesses. Hinduism sees no harm in different beliefs in this regards, if the person is fulfilling his/her 'Dharma'. So, you would find all types of beliefs in Hinduism that you can think of; polytheism, monotheism, monism, pantheism, panentheism, henotheism, kenotheism, and even atheism. These are considered as 'Matas' (opinions), and one can follow any according to his/her inclination.

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Hinduism is the oldest religion on earth and is also called 'Sanatan Dharma or the Eternal Law. The origin of the religion can not be traced and thus it can not be accredited to any one person.

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According to Shivapurana : When there was nothing and supreme lord wished to divide into two from one & wished to create a world from nothing. So Hinduism was founded when the world was founded according to legend.

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How did Hinduism's origin?

Although Hinduism cannot be attributed to one specific person, it is the oldest and extant religion that dates back to before 6500 B.C. However, there is no exact date for its origin or formation.

When and how did Hinduism form?

Hinduism cannot be described as an organized religion. It is not founded by any individual. Hinduism is God centred and therefore one can call Hinduism as founded by God, because the answer to the question 'Who is behind the eternal principles and who makes them work?' will have to be 'Cosmic power, Divine power, God'