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Yes, Zachary Taylor died in the White House for eating too much cherries, and drinking too much milk.

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Q: Did any presidents die or get killed in the White House?
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Did any presidents own pianos?

Presidents these days live in the white house, and so the white house probably has a piano, and so the answer is most likely yes.

Murders in the White House?

There do not seem to be any murders in the White House, but several presidents have died in that building. William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor both died there.

Did any presidents have dogs?

Yes, quite a few US presidents had dogs while in office. See the link below for a rundown of White House "pets."

Did any presidents not live in the White House?

George Washington did not live there because it had not yet been built. The White House did not become the seat of the US government until 1800.

Why do you have the inaugural parades?

Well the President has to get from the Capitol buiding over to the White House any way. So why not? Some Presidents have walked the whole way.

Does the White House have any videos of President Obama?

"Yes, I would imagine that they would have plenty of videos of Obama. As they most likely do of other previous presidents as well."

Have any presidents personally set out to have someone killed?

I suppose so, if you include a declaration of war.

Do any White House staff live in the White House during a presidents term of office?

No one takes up residence in the white house but the first family.The Secret Service and other staff members work in shifts or "details" so they are never alone. They always have tons of security 24/7 along with other "Presidential" necessities.

What happened to the white house after the war of the 1812?

It was scorched in the war when the British set it on fire. Dolly Madison ran out of the burning White House with the painting of Washington. To cover the burn marks the "presidents house" was painted white. In this time it was unusual for any house to be painted because paint was so expensive, so people began to call it the "White House ".After the repaires every president has lived in it. A few years ago repairs were being done to the White House and the burn marks from 1812 were found.

Which room in the White House does the president sleep in?

There is a designated "Master Bedroom" in the residential part of the White House on the second floor; however, there are roughly ten more bedrooms in the second and third floors of the White House (the private residential area of the First Family), on top of the fact that the President is entitled to use any room in the White House for any purpose that he would like; he could literally set up a bed in the Oval Office and declare that his bedroom (some Presidents have used an office in the Old Executive Office Building across the street, after all). With that in mind it is near impossible to answer your question with any degree of certainty, but it is most likely that the Obamas use the Master Bedroom as many Presidents have before them.

Does the White House have any safety features?

The White House has many security features,i would not to test any of them

Which president shot someone for treason on the lawn of the White House?

Nothing like this every really happened. There is a very persistent story that Thomas Jefferson personally executed someone on the White House lawn for treason. This is not true. The story originated in the movie Swordfish (2001), where it is mentioned by John Travolta's character, Gabriel Shear.Jefferson never personally killed anyone, nor were there any treason executions or convictions during his presidency. Jefferson did help write a "Bill to Attaint Josiah Philips and Others" in 1778, which ordered the trial and provided for the execution of the murderer and bandit Josiah Philips for treason. Josiah Philips was eventually found and convicted of robbery, not treason.