

Did any roman generals defect to Hannibal?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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No Roman general defected to Hannibal. Some of the allies of Rome in southern Italy temporarily defected to Hannibal because they thought Hannibal was having the upper hand. When the tide turned in Rome's favour, they went back to Rome's fold.

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Q: Did any roman generals defect to Hannibal?
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He had two brothers --Hasdrubal who commanded the Carthiginian armies in Spain while Hannibal was in the Roman mainland. Mago (the youngest of his siblings) accompanied Hannibal in the war in Rome but left him for Carthage after the battle of Cannae. He was to return with reinforcements from Carthage, but this never happened. Carthage instead sent reinforcements to Hasdrubal in Spain. Hannibal would never see his brothers alive again --Hasdrubal would lose Spain and dies attempting to join up with Hannibal. Mago dies of his wounds in Sicily when Hannibal is finally recalled to Carthage.

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No, he was taught by his father on the battlefield

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he lost his father when he was 15 years old. he died in 44 B.C. he is remembered as one of the historys greatest generals and the key ruler of the roman empire.