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Yes. Many of Einstein's theories were precipitated by his desire to find solutions to puzzling findings presented by the other physicists of his day. The most significant influence on Einstein was Max Planck, who laid the foundations of quantum theory. Einstein seized upon the ideas that Planck had put forward and carried them further, showing that the light quantum was not just a mathematical model, but a physical reality and the basis for the photoelectric effect.

Einstein's paper on special theory of relativity did not arise purely out of Einstein's imagination--it was clearly built upon the previous work of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincaré. Max Planck was one of the first to recognize the significance of Einstein's relativity paper (Einstein being a complete unknown), even though he did not initially accept Einstein's conclusions regarding light quanta.

Planck and Einstein became friends and met frequently to play music together.

Naturally, after Einstein's seminal work, hundreds of physicists around the world raced to capitalize on the vast implications of his theories. Other scientists with whom Einstein collaborated in later years include Leopold Infeld, Nathan Rosen and Peter Bergmann.

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Q: Did any scientists do work related to Albert Einsteins?
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