

Did anything happen to Pius ix well he was the pope?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Did anything happen to Pius ix well he was the pope?
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If you are speaking of the 'Assumption of Mary,' aka 'The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven' is not supported by Scripture. It is a dogma of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches (and parts of or others as well). This was defined on November 1, 1950 by Pope Pius XII.

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Is pius xll school haunted?

I assume you mean Pius X. Pius X was a Pope who was also canonized, so technically this would be Saint Pius X. He was the most recent Pope to be given the Saintly honor. Okay , in the Movie ( Godsend) There was a fictional ( maybe based on a real establishment)- Church school called St. Pius X that figured indirectly in the plot. some of the genetic material that was spliced into the partly-genetically engineered child in the film- actually came from a deceased arsonist named (Zach) who evidentally died in the fire he set. ( oddly his body parts were pretty much intact if a cross-feed was possible). the kid in the movie started identifying with ( Zach) and well studying old news media the fact came out there was a suspicious fire at the now closed St. Pius X) Kindly refrain from using the slogan -Holy Smoke! the psyche of the arsonist started taking over the youthful lad"s thought processes. This was in the movie Godesend, based on the Occult novel by Ira Levin, famous for that sort of thing. Good Luck, and Holy Smoke, it may indeed be haunted.