

Did cavemen invent color

Updated: 4/26/2024
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9y ago

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What you mean by inventing color is not clear. Color is part of the natural world. Prehistoric humans did invent the use of natural materials to produce the color pigments they used to create and color paintings and decorated objects. Ochre is a family of pigments made from natural materials found in the earth. Ochres come in several colors including red, yellow, purple and several shades of brown. Different materials can be treated with heat to create a wider spectrum of color.

Ochres were used extensively in prehistory to create cave paintings and those early masterpieces can still be seen in all their glory tens of thousands of years later. Early humans invented the materials they used to create those paintings. Deposits of ochres have been found in caves and archeological sites all over the world. Ochres were extensively manufactured and extensively used not only in cave paintings but were also to decorate bodies, hair, animal skins, the deceased, tombs, and other types of painted art.

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1w ago

Cavemen did not invent color. Color has always existed in nature. However, early humans did discover ways to extract and create pigments from natural sources to use for painting and decorative purposes.

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