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Probably the many people invented planes that couldn't fly, everyone quit counting.

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Q: Who were the first people to invent a plane that couldn't fly?
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Who were the first people to invent a plane?

The first successful plane was a biplane, meaning it had two wing levels. The plane was invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright, more commonly known as the Wright brothers.

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What year did the write brothers invent the plane?

They didn't invent the plane, they just built the first working self propelled plane in 1907 at Kitty Hawk beach NC btw it's spelled Wright

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The Wright Brothers are credited with the invention of the airplane.

When did Orville and Wilbur wright invent the first successful plane?

on December 17 1903

When Did The Wright Brothers Invent Their First Plane?

They invented it in 1903 in their bike cycle shop in Ohio.

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