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Claude Debussy composed impressionist music, which was a new style of music with modern ideas. He composed impressionist music at the same time as Maurice Ravel.

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Is Claude Debussy known for his music?

Claude Debussy is known for the impressionist music that he composed.

Why was claude debussy famous?

Claude Debussy was famous because of his music

How did Claude Debussy impact the history of music?

claude debussy impacted other composers by impacting the history of music.

What was Claude Debussy career?

Claude Debussy taught and played, but mostly he composed music.

Where did Claude Debussy study music at?

no where

What was claude debussy job for von meck?

Claude Debussy composed music, accompanied musicians, and taught music lessons.

What is Claude Debussy Lifework?

Composing music

Why is claude debussy a famous person?

Claude Debussy composed impressionist music, which brought in musical ideas that were different then classical music before that time.

What makes Claude Debussy Famous?

Impressionistic music

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Where was Claude Debussy born in?

Claude Debussy was born in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, on August 22, 1862.

Who was the leading composer of impressionism style of music?

Claude Debussy