

Did democrats request health care

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Obama wanted national healthcare and so does clinton, unknown about any others

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Q: Did democrats request health care
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Who were the two democrats who held out for deals on the health care reform bill?

Mary landrieu and Ben nelson

What is the Republican plan for health care?

The Republican health care plan is constantly evolving to shift with the popular demands of the American people. There has not been a consolidated health care plan outlined by the Republican party as of yet, as it continues to be debate among Republicans and Democrats alike. One thing Republicans are doing regarding health care is attacking the Democrats' health care plan. The Republican party is, for the most part, against a centralized health-care system. They argue that a centralized-health care system does not work as well as a privatized corporate run health-care system. Some argue for the privatization of all of health care, including MediCare and Medicaid. They do not want Corporations to shoulder any extra cost to provide any workers' health care plans. Republicans argue for personal responsibility, but they do not seem to have an answer for personal irresponsibility which is quite frequent.

Why is the election of Massachusetts so important to obamas health care bill?

The previous person in that seat, Ted Kennedy, was a huge supporter of health care reform. With out Ted Kennedy in that seat or at least a major supporter of the health care bill it is likely the bill will not pass because the democrats will no longer have the support they need.

Why democrats are for health care reform bill?

Health care reform is a method where the entire industry is nationalized. This U.S. reform is but a small step in that direction but since Democrats GENERALLY promote more government control, they follow their party's stance. Universal Health care results in more taxes, BUT allows more equality amongst health care which is the second most important service behind education. It is quiet outrageous that United States STILL doesn't have universal healthcare even though it is the last 1st world country not to do so.

Is it true that the Democrats have the 216 votes needed to pass Obama's historic health care bill as of March 21 2009?

yes, it is true .

Why are so many democrats not voting for Obama?

All the Democrats are voting for Obama and all the Republicans are voting for Romney. If some Democrats are not voting for Obama it is probably because he did not choose a single payer plan to deal with health care and went with the more conservative insurance approach.

Are Democrats for health care reform?

Yes. I think, generally, Democrats, as a party, would like reform, but I am sure there are individuals who may not. Just as a number of Republicans I know would like reform as well, but the Republicans, as a party, does not seem to be in it as much.

What Home Health Care Agencies in Mesa AZ have the best reputations?

Try checking out Home Care Arizona, which is a website that will assist to match you with the best home health care or assisted living care for your specific needs. At this website, you can request free information from a number of facilities all over Arizona, including Mesa.

What is health care delivery?

The delivery of health care.

What does health care do?

Provides health care if you can not afford it.

How is health care quality measured when delivered by a health care provider or physician?

How is "health care quality" measured when "delivered by a health care provider or physician"? Answer this question…

Who really was behind obamacare?

First, the official name for it is the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)." Its opponents often refer to it as "Obamacare," when they are trying to blame the president for an act with which they disagree. This act was passed by congress in March 2010. As for who was behind it, it was a priority for Democrats and for the president; they were trying to reform health care in the United States. The PPACA passed the Senate with all Democrats voting for it, and all Republicans voting against it. It should be noted that while Democrats voted for it, some felt it did not go far enough: they would have preferred a "Single Payer" system. But Democrats ultimately agreed to pass the act because they believed it made a good start in eliminating some of the problems with the health care system. Their Republican opponents disagreed and promised that if a Republican was elected, the PPACA (or "Obamacare") would be repealed.