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Q: Did edward Jenner infect his son with smallpox and if he did which son did he infect?
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How did edward Jenner try out his theary?

Edward Jenner Began his theory on a Farmers 8 yr old son, after the child had cowpox, Jenner tried again and again to infect he boy with Smallpox but his child never got sick!

What experiment did edward Jenner carry out?

Edward Jenner Began his theory on a Farmers 8 yr old son, after the child had cowpox, Jenner tried again and again to infect he boy with Smallpox but his child never got sick!because he new that he was daft

How Edward Jenner found vaccination?

Observation and deductive reasoning. Smallpox was a scourge during Jenner's time, but he noticed that milkmaids contracted a very mild illness similar to smallpox called "cowpox", from which they recovered easily. He postulated that a tiny bit of the cowpox serum could be injected into a well person, and the mild cowpox might protect them from the deadly smallpox. It worked.

Who discovered small pox?

Edward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...

How do Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner help us keep well?

Edward Jenner noticed a trend that farm maids who milked cows were oftentimes immune to smallpox. After some research, he identified that cowpox (caused by a cousin of the smallpox virus) infected the maids and was the cause of their immunity. Jenner then experimented with cowpox on a child (history is unclear on whether this was his son or a neighbor). When he later exposed the child to smallpox, nothing happened. Thus Dr. Edward Jenner developed a method to immunize people from smallpox (which was later named vaccination by the French). Louis Pasteur developed the process of pasteurization, a process of heating food to a specific temperature for a certain amount of time then cooling it immediately to kill off microorganisms (and slow their growth) in the food. Both these processes help to keep us safe from pathogens.

Who invented the small pox vaccination?

Edward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...

Why is Edward Jenner important in history?

Edward Jenner was an English physician who is credited with successfully introducing the practice of vaccinating against smallpox. Jenner, apprenticed to a surgeon as a boy, studied medicine briefly in London before returning to his rural hometown to open his own medical practice (1792). Following up on local lore that said dairymaids who had contracted cowpox were immune to smallpox, Jenner decided to see if he could adapt the Turkish practice of inoculation to prevent the spread and devastation of smallpox. In May of 1796 he took a gamble and inoculated James Phipps, the 8 year-old son of a local farmer. Phipps was exposed to fluid from the pustules of a woman with cowpox. The boy contracted cowpox, and several weeks later Jenner exposed him to smallpox. Fortunately, the boy didn't contract smallpox and Jenner's theory was proved correct. After other successful trials, Jenner published his findings in Inquiry into the Cause and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae in 1798. Jenner went on to become famous as the world embraced "vaccination," a term he coined (because vacca is Latin for cow, and vaccinia was the term for cowpox). Jenner was also an educated naturalist and horticulturist, an amateur geologist and zoologist (he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society for a paper on the nesting habits of the cuckoo) and a fossil hunter who discovered the bones of a plesiosaur in 1819.

How old was Edward Jenner when Edward he invented the vaccination?

This did not happen suddenly in a single year, nor was Jenner the first person to discover this or use vaccination.English physician John Fewster had realized before 1768that prior infection with cowpox rendered a person immune to smallpox.In the years following 1770, at least five investigators in England and Germany (Sevel, Jensen, Jesty 1774, Rendell, Plett 1791) successfully tested a cowpox vaccine in humans against smallpox. For example, Dorset farmer Benjamin Jesty successfully vaccinated and presumably induced immunity with cowpox in his wife and two children during a smallpox epidemic in 1774, but it was not until Jenner's work that the procedure became widely understood. Jenner may have been aware of Jesty's procedures and success.On May 14, 1796, Jenner tested his hypothesis by vaccinating James Phipps, an eight-year-old boy who was the son of Jenner's gardener. Phipps was the 17th case described in Jenner's first paper on vaccination, clearly Jenner had performed vaccinations before vaccinating Phipps.

How did Dr Edward Jenner discover a vaccine for smallpox?

He noticed, in his village where he was a doctor, that the dairymaids (woman who milk the cow) who had previously had Cowpox didn't get Smallpox. He got inspired by that and thought that they might have become immune to it. He also successfully tested this on a boy. One day Edward was studying a milk woman who was milking a cow when he noticed she had cow pox that you get from cows. Smallpox was very common in those days so he started to wonder why most milk woman had not caught it yet? So he decided to test it on someone . he found a little boy just 8 and a bit years old and he agreed to help him. He deliberately gave him cow pox and the boy was ill with cow pox but he got better quickly . next he gave him some pus out of a small pox boil to see if he caught it. The boy was fine and Edward had found the cure.

What was edward Jenner's contribution to science?

Edward Jenner was born in 1749, in Berkeley. He wanted to get rid of small pox for ever so he carried out a simple experiment, which turned out to change everyone's lives for the better. Edward Jenner noticed that cows sometimes got a disease called cowpox. Because the milkmaids had to milk the cows, they often also caught cowpox…but it didn't seem to harm them. Edward Jenner was intrigued - milkmaids that had caught cowpox never seemed to catch the contagious and deadly smallpox, which thousands of people died from. Edward Jenner came up with a theory, that cowpox prevented people from getting smallpox. To test his theory, Edward Jenner needed to find someone who was young and who hadn't caught smallpox or cowpox before. He found a boy called James Phipps (aged 8) and explained his idea. Edward Jenner then took some pus from a milkmaid's cowpox and rubbed it into two small incisions on James's arm. Soon after, James became ill with cowpox but the symptoms didn't last long. 6 weeks later, Jenner took some pus from a smallpox victim and again put it into James's cuts. However, this time James didn't catch the disease. Cowpox was called vaccinia so he called his invention the vaccine.

Can cow pox be given to people to prevent smallpox?

Edward Jenner was born on May 17, 1749, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England, the son of the Rev. Stephen Jenner, vicar of Berkeley. It was he, who discovered the cure for small pox. The story of smallpox says that he spoke to a milkmaid who claimed that she would never suffer from smallpox since she had previously suffered from cowpox. Jenner investigated this and found that just as the milkmaid had said, anyone who had suffered from the fairly trivial cowpox, seemed to be immune from the far deadlier smallpox. He then started to experiment with creating what would later be called a "Vaccine". He took cultures from the scabs of cowpox and from it created a fluid which could be used to purposefully infect a patient with a less virile version of cowpox. The weakened version of the cowpox vaccine was sufficiently related to the smallpox virus to allow cowpox infected patients immune systems to learn how to react to smallpox and create antibodies to fight off the infection. In 1802 Jenner was awarded £10,000 by the British Parliament for the discovery and a few years later he was given a further £20,000 (A vast sum of money at that time). Even though he was now a wealthy man, Jenner continued with his experiments and developed his vaccination system. He suffered from a stroke in later life and eventually died January 26, 1823.

Who developed a vaccination for smallpox?

Louis PasteurEdward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...Note: Developed not invented