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No, energy in food originally comes from the sun through the process of photosynthesis in plants. Plants convert sunlight into chemical energy stored in molecules like glucose. ATP is produced later in the process of cellular respiration by breaking down glucose.

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Q: Did energy in food originally came from ATP?
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How does energy get converted from food molecules to muscles?

When we eat food, our body breaks down the molecules through digestion to produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Muscles use ATP as a source of energy to contract and carry out their functions. The process by which ATP is produced and utilized in muscles is called cellular respiration.

The direct source of energy in the cell?

The direct source of energy in a cell is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is produced through cellular respiration, which converts nutrients from food into a form of energy that the cell can use to carry out its functions. ATP releases energy when its phosphate bonds are broken, providing the necessary energy for cellular processes.

What transforms energy in food milecules to usable energy?

The process of cellular respiration in the mitochondria of cells is responsible for transforming energy in food molecules into a form that the cell can use (ATP). This process involves breaking down glucose through a series of biochemical reactions that release energy in the form of ATP molecules.

How do humans use energy to do work?

Humans use energy stored in food to fuel their muscles and perform physical work. When we eat food, our bodies break it down and convert it into ATP, which serves as the energy currency for our cells. This ATP is used to power muscle contractions and enable movement.

How do we get our energy?

We get our energy from the food we eat. Our bodies break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the food we consume to produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used by our cells for various functions.

Related questions

What do organisms obtain in food for energy?

Organisms form ATP from food. ATP is called the "energy currency" of the cell. ATP is like a battery, it runs all the cell's functions.

Which process do the animals in the food web use to convert energy from food into ATP?

Cellular respiration is the process the animals in the food web use to convert energy from food into ATP.

A chemical compound transformed into ATP as food energy?

ADP is transformed into ATP.

What molecule is energy from food transferred to?


What happens to food in order for it to be stored in ATP?

Respiration should take place. There energy of food is stored in ATP

What is the approximate percentage efficiency of conversion of food energy to ATP energy in the body?

The body converts the chemical energy of food to the chemical energy of ATP with about 50 percent efficiency, radiating the rest as heat.

Cellular respiration can be described as the conversion of energy into what?

stored in food molecules to energy stored in ATP

Does ATP source energy?

Food is the ultimate source of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. Once ATP is formed, it is used as the main energy source of cells.

What is the source of energy regenerating ATP from ADP?


What process provides the energy used make ATP from ADP?

the breakdown of food molecules

Use your own words to summarize the production of ATP in the mitochondria?

The energy currency for the work that animals must do is the energy rich molecule ATP. The ATP is produced in the mitochondria using energy stored in food.

How does energy transfer from food to body?

When we consume food, our body breaks it down during digestion into molecules like glucose. These molecules are then used to produce ATP, which is the energy currency of our cells. ATP is utilized by the body for various functions like muscle contractions, cell repair, and regulating body temperature. So, essentially, the energy from food is transferred to our body in the form of ATP molecules.