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Most people agreed but there where some men how thought that men where inferior to woman so they should not have the right to vote but hardly any

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Q: Did everyone agree with what Kate Sheppard and the Suffragettes did for women's rights?
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What activities were the Suffragettes involved in?

Emancipation of women Votes for women Womens Rights

What did the suffragettes do?

They were a group of women in the early 1900s that campaigned for womens rights in Britain

What do the suffragettes do?

They were a group of women in the early 1900s that campaigned for womens rights in Britain

When did Kate Sheppard fight for womens rights?

From 1885 until 1903, when she retired due to ill health.

How did Lincoln feel about womens rights?

he felt as if everyone deserved equality.

Why were the women that fought for womens rights called suffer jets?

They were actually called suffragettes, because they were fighting for women's suffrage, or the right to vote. However, because they were women, they were given the pejorative -ette ending.

Why is emmeline Pankhurst important to the suffragettes?

Emmiline Pankhurst and her daughter co-founded the Women's Social and Political Union or WSPU in 1903. The union later became the Suffragettes and Pankhurst wasÊone of the driving forces of the movement.

Who organized womens rights meetings and worked womens rights?

some one

How did womens rights move around the world?

world war 2 gave a turn when womens rights were established

How did womens rights effect the us?

Before womens rights girls had to give it to us, now we have to give it to them as well...

Why is Kate Sheppard on the nz ten dollar note?

Kate Sheppard was instrumental in the womens suffrage movement in New Zealand, leading to New Zealand becoming the first country to give women the vote.

What where womens rights in the Buddhism religion?

The same as men's rights.