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Q: Did former VP Spiro Agnew serve any time for his crimes?
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What years did spiro agnew serve?

He served as vice president from 1969 until his resignation in 1973.

Who was the only person to serve as Vice President and President without being elected to either position?

Gerald Ford aka Leslie King Jr. He became the Vice President when Spiro Agnew had to resign as Vice President, owing to his involvement in the tea pot dome scandal. And later when Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 due to Watergate scandal, he became the President.

Who were President Richard Nixon's vice presidents?

Spiro T. Agnew (1969-1973) - resignedGerald R. Ford (1973-1974) - became PresidentNixon had two Vice Presidents while he was in office from January 20, 1969, to August 9, 1974. His running mate in 1968 and 1972 was former Maryland governor Spiro Theodore Agnew. When Agnew resigned in on October 10, 1973, Nixon nominated Gerald Ford (the sitting House Minority Leader) as the 40th Vice President of the US, sworn in on December 6, 1973. When Nixon resigned in 1974 because of the Watergate scandal, Ford became the 38th President of the US (the first US President not elected President or Vice President). Ford subsequently pardoned Nixon, who lived another 20 years in a state of partial infamy.Agnew was the first American of Greek decent to serve in this position. In October of 1973 Agnew was formerly charged with accepting bribes totaling more than one hundred thousand dollars while in office as Baltimore County Executive, Governor of Maryland and as the Vice President. Agnew plead to one count of failure to report income in the year 1967 and was the only Vice President to ever resign because of criminal charges. His resignation foreshadowed the dark and scandalous nature of Nixon's own Presidency.The resignation of Agnew and selection of Gerald Ford as the new Vice President marked the first time the provision of the 25th Amendment was implemented. Ford's own Vice Presidency was largely overshadowed by the criminal investigations of Richard Nixon who was later forced to resign over the Watergate scandal that elevated Ford from being the 40th Vice President to the 38th President of the United States.Initially Spiro Agnew... later Gerald Ford

Which sociological theory presumes that crimes occur in order to serve a purpose in society?

Functionalism proposes that crimes occur to serve a purpose in society by reinforcing social norms and values, defining boundaries of acceptable behavior, and promoting social cohesion through the criminal justice system.

Gerald Ford was the only person to ever serve as President and Vice President without being elected by the people?

President Ford was the only U.S. president never to have been elected president or vice president. Here are more answers from WikiAnswers contributors: * == == * Gerald Ford was the only person to serve as President but not run for election as either President or Vice President. He was appointed VP under Richard Nixon when the elected VP, Spiro Agnew, resigned due to legal problems. Then, Nixon resigned leaving Ford to become President.

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What are people who serve years in prison for crimes that are not felons called?

they are called con or convicts

What are the examples of indexes?

index crimes are very serious crimes that happens frequently or regularly that they can already serve as index of to the crime situation in the Philippines. only murder, homicide, physical injury, robbery, theft, and rape can be considered index crimes.

How long do judges serve on supreme?

For life. They can retire or die on the bench. There is also a clause for crimes where they can be impeached.

What are the example of index crime?

index crimes are very serious crimes that happens frequently or regularly that they can already serve as index of to the crime situation in the philippines. only murder, homicide, physical injury, robbery, theft, and rape can be considered index crimes.