

Did god invent people

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Some people believe god made the earth and almost everything on it.

But some people believe that we were made by something unknown.

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Q: Did god invent people
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People did not invent God. God has always been.

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He(God for you) didn't.

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No, God did.

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When God created all the animals

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== == God did. :) But he didn't invent people, he created them and gave them the gift of intelligence and wisdom. there isn't a patent on any one of us, but we are all God's creations. Think about it. Read Genesis !

Why did they invent people?

Well it is not they it is God. And no one really knows why God truly made people in the first place. I think because he did not like the feeling of being the only one on earth. But that is a stupid answer mc

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What, you mean God wasn't the first to invent people and animals??? Wait till the Pope hears about this! I believe that the only deity who is earlier than God is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But I could be wrong.

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so we can breathe.

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None. God "cannot" be invented. God either "Is," or "Is Not."

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We don't invent God, we just got the believe in something that brings peace, and happiness when anything can give you. So that's call "God". A name that makesyouthink on that believe.

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The god of All muslims, Allah.

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God or evolution - take your pick.