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God used 40 different humans from Moses on to write the different books of The Bible.

For those who have studied the Bible they find a theme running through out the entire 66 books, which is the vindication of Gods name by means of his Son Jesus to bring about his purpose to bring the earth and all who wish to do his will back to the paradise of peace he originally intended. (Gods Kingdom or rulership.) This is summed up in Revelation 21:1 - 4. where even death will be a thing of the past.

If the head of a company can use a secretary to put down his thoughts and ideas then

this would be nothing for the creator to do the same

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AnswerTraditionally, Moses is thought to have written the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch), although not the entire Bible. However, a careful examination of the texts shows that these books could not possibly have been written by Moses. Scholars say that the Pentateuch was actually written by a number of authors over a period of centuries, during the first millennium BCE. Scholars also believe it most unlikely that Moses actually existed.


Jesus Christ, the Almighty Creator God of the Old Testament [John 1:3 & 10] who recruited, trained, and walked and talked with Moses, testifies that Moses was the writer of about one-third of the Old Testament:

"...all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning Me." (Luke 24:44)

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12y ago
A:No. The traditional view is that Moses was the author of the Torah (Bereishit -Genesis, Shemot - Exodus, Vayikra - Leviticus, Bamidbar - Numbers and Devarim -Deuteronomy). However, the Sources Theory, which states that the Torah had several authors, is widely accepted by modern scholars and some Jews. After all, a late date for the Torah does not undermine the message of the scriptures. It is also important to note that nowhere in the Torah does it claim to have been written by Moses so we must analyse the text to determine who probably wrote it. Just one citation is "Testament: the Bible and History", by John Romer (1996).

Some brief examples I have taken from the Bible support the scholarly view of the authorship of the Torah. I have also provided a brief resume of each of the principal authors said to have written the Torah.

Deuteronomy chapter 34 describes the death of Moses.and says that "not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses..." This could not have been written by Moses or even by any author until long after the establishment of a nation called Israel. If we explain this by saying that this chapter was added after the death of Moses, we leave open the question as to what else was added after the death of Moses.

The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 have a slightly different wording to the same commandments in Deuteronomy 5. Exodus 20:11 also says that the Sabbath is in honour of the 7 days of creation; Deuteronomy 5:15 says that the Sabbath is in honour of the flight from Egypt. While these issues have no important theological consequences, it is not possible that the man who personally carved the commandments onto tablets would not even remember what he wrote. And if, as the author of the Torah, he was not sure, he could have looked in the ark and read the tablets again.

There are also many 'doublets' where each author provided his own, separate version of the same event. We can be sure that had Moses had been the author, he would have chosen a preferred version and stuck with that one.

The main sources of the Torah were:

  • The J (Yahwist) source, who always used 'YHVH' as the name for God and presents tradition from the point of view of the southern kingdom, Judah, using archaic Hebrew. J was a gifted storyteller who was especially interested in the human side of things and had his own characteristic vocabulary. J referred to Moses' father-in-law as Reuel or Hobab.
  • The E (Elohist) source, who always used 'Elohim' as the name for God and presents tradition from the point of view of the northern kingdom, Israel, using archaic Hebrew. E referred to Moses' father-in-law as Jethro, a mistake that Moses himself could not have made.
  • At some time around 650 BCE., J and E were combined by Judaean editors, producing a composite known to us as JE.
  • The D (Deuteronomist) source, who emphasises centralisation of worship and governance in Jerusalem, as would be expected from political events that followed the defeat of Israel. It uses a more modern form of Hebrew.
  • The P (Priestly) source uses both Elohim and El Shaddai as names of God and focusses on the formal relations between God and society. He also uses a late form of Hebrew, with a rather turgid style.
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