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Q: Did hamilton favor that only land owners could vote?
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Who are the land owners of antarctica?

There are no land owners of Antarctica.

Why was black death bad for land owners?

This is how my world history teacher put it: It was bad for land owners because land owners would have people work the land- like the peasants. The land owner would tell the workers how much pay they got for working. But because of the Black death, everyone was dying. So, when the land owners tried to hire someone, and they didn't like the pay, they could pretty much say that you could either pay them higher, or wait for the next guy- oops, the next guys dead. So the land owners ended up paying the workers who wanted more.

Who could vote in rhode island?

at first only married men could. Then land owners could vote when the colony grew. BUt Roman Catholics couldn't vote either way.

Was northern industrialists in favor of the sale of western land?

yes they were in favor

Colonial governments limited suffrage through property.this meant that?

only land owners could vote

What were large land owners?

Landowners are people who own land. With regard to antiquity and the Middle Ages this term refers to the owners of large landed estates, as opposed to peasants who owned small family farms with plots of land which were not bigger than what the family's labour could till.

What were the four ways a farmer could homestead?

1. 21 years or older2. Filing a small fee and farming land for 5 years3. Staking out a claim4. Purchase from other land owners

Why did the us military favor the slaughter of buffulo in Texas?

so the native Indians could not eat and would have to surrender their land to the Americans i think

Who was the czar who freed the serfs?

Tsar Alexander II "freed" the serfs. He didn't free them entirely though. Serfs were bound to the land they worked on rather to the owners of the land. Alexander II had the Russian government buy some land from the owners and gave the land to the "freed" serfs in collective in each village. The serf remained bond to the land until he repaid the government the money it had paid to the owners over a 49 year period of time. A serf could leave the land but would have no land to work.

How are farmers classified by land ownership?

Full owners owned the land they operated; part owners operated part of their own land and rented the remaining land; tenants rented the land they worked.

Of the following the most in favor of seizing land from Mexico was?

The man most in favor of seizing land from mexico was Jame k. polk

Who rebelled when Stalin try to collectivize their land?

Land owners.