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Q: Did jimmy bennett actually wear braces?
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Does Brett Favre wear a mouth guard?

yeahh he actually has had braces before

Wisin wear braces?

wisin did wear braces for a long time but not anymore. Now yandel is the one that wears braces

Does Gwen Stefani wear braces?

She doesn't wear braces now, but she did years ago.

Can a person wear a braces with dentures?

there is no need to wear braces on dentures

Did bahja from omg girls wear braces?

Yes she did wear braces in the Gucci this and where the boys at videos

What colour braces should blondes wear?

well i think you should wear any braces you want but if you realy want help i think blonds should wear silver braces i !!

Does Yandel from wisin y yandel wear braces?

Yes they both wear braces, it might seem that they have a grill..but it is braces. Also,they got their braces removed a while ago in 2009..

How long you have to wear braces?

That actually depends on how badly your teeth are un-straight. The mor un-straight the longer, and vice versa. ---------- This person is right. Because if you had a spacer in your mouth before you got your braces it could be a while to take off your braces. For me I only have to wear them for 2 years. Almost 1 year now.

Did Cody Simpson ever wear braces?

yes cody simpson did have braces

In a class of 28 1 out of 4 wears braces how many wears braces?

7 students wear braces

Does Justin Bieber wear braces?
