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Yes according to the vows he made when he was dubbed a knight had to serve is liege and the peasants as well. he would more respectful to his king of course.

This doesn't relate to this question but a ton of the medieval food quetsions are really of the mark.

They didn't eat what they had for breakfast for dinner. it was mostly the same but it had something else as well. Eg apeasant had coarse (thats spelt right) black bread and ale to drink for breakfast and for dinner pottage, coarse black bread with ale to drink.

Wikianswers should really get some history books out and check the answers

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Q: Did knights serve kings and serfs?
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Who farmed the land of the knights nobles and kings in the medieval ages?

The peasants or serfs did the farming

Who benefits the most from feudalism?

the lords, knights, kings, queens, serfs, and freemen got it the best

What are the roles of kings lords knights or vassals and serfs in feudal system?

King comands everybody below him

What is the name of the system which ranked society in the following order King Knights Merchants Serfs?

The system you are referring to is called Feudalism. Feudalism was a social and economic system in medieval Europe where land was owned by kings and nobles and was granted to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service. The hierarchy consisted of the king at the top, followed by knights, merchants, and serfs at the bottom.

What level in society was a medieval knight?

The 2nd highest, beneath the Kings and Queens. (ect. Kings and Queens, Knights and Nobles, Lesser Nobles, Freemen and Freewomen, Serfs) wrong knights were below the pope which makes them 3

Who had power over serfs?

The serfs would serve the knights which were given a land along with it's population in exchange for their military service. It's a medieval system known as Feudalism.

What did the knights have to do for the serfs?

Knights were responsible for protecting the serfs and the land they lived on from invading forces. They also collected taxes and ensured order and justice within their domain. Additionally, knights may have provided some basic services and resources to the serfs in exchange for their labor on the land.

What was everyday life in the feudal system like?

the feudal system for serfs was a bad thing because they always had to do work for the kings,lord and/or knights.

What is the queens rank be in medieval times?

The highest. The ranks in order from highest to lowest are: Kings and Queens Knights and Nobles Lesser Nobles Freemen and Freewomen Serfs

What doesn't work well in feudal system for the knights?

what doesnt work well ius that the lords and kings they will push the peasents and the serfs to hard and they will get pissed off

How did feudalism separate the middle ages society?

Kings and queens were at the top. After them were lords and ladies. Then came knights and vassals. The lowest class was made up of peasants and serfs

What was the need for knights in the middle ages?

Land and serfs.