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Q: Did lisnagalven swiming pool roof come off?
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Should you remove snow and ice from your roof or allow it to melt off?

No, take it off your roof. It will pool up water come spring, and might dent your roof.

What is the preposition in the sentence -come down from the roof?

come down from the roof.

If i can jump at least 10 feet on my vertical jump and i need to jump 12 feet and 6 inches to make it into the pool would i make it if i jumped off a 9 foot roof?

It would depend on how far the roof was from the pool! If, for example, the 9 foot roof was in the next town, I would say it is rather doubtful.

What is the effect of swimming pool on the roof of the building?

there is no asthetic affect but it takes up less space

Does the Red Roof Inn have a swimming pool?

It most likely depends on which one you go to.

What is the proper distance a pool should be from the house?

If your zoning board has no restrictions as to how far a pool needs to be from a structure then my advice would be place the pool far enough away from anything that a person might jump off of. example, trees ( besides the cleanup in the pool caused by them) patio roof, sheds, house poles. Remembering when i was a kid we had a pool that we could jump off the patio roof into the pool. My brother did this and ended up splitting the metal side of the pool and ended up swimming in the back yard

My pool is enclosed with a metal roof. Can I still use the Solar Fish?

Hmmm, the solar fish may retard evaporation some but will do nothing to heat the pool.

How do you get all helicopters in transformers autobots?

You get your threat high, and a Police Copter will come. If you keep killing, a Stealth Copter will come. to get the News chopper, go on the mission "Put to the Test", Autobots; or "Hazing", Decepticons. Instead of going through the tunnel, climb the building. when you get onto the roof, you ought to find a pool, beside the pool rests the News Chopper. Scan away!

Is it safe to use rain run off from the roof to a pool?

If the water is properly cleaned and treated before swimming, it can be safe to use rain run-off in a pool.

Is there a pool at the hotel I'm staying at?

What hotel are you in!!!!!! Seriously, which one? I know some bigger hotels have a pool or sauna, but hotels like the red roof inn don't.

Is there a roll on ceramic for swomming pools?

There is a Glazed roof tile roll forming for ceramic swimming pool.

Does a stalagmite hang from the roof of a cave?

yes,Stalagmites do hang from the roof . Stalagtites come up from the ground.:)