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Of course, every citizen had to pay taxes. Since the Loyalist were considered a "colonist" they still had too .

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Q: Did loyalists have to pay taxes like the patriots?
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What happened in the patriots vs loyalists debate?

The patriots said that we should not be treated like this and we don't have that much money to pay all of your taxes.

How did the colonists feel about british taxes?

Loyalists felt that they had to pay them, while patriots hated the taxes because they felt they should not pay them.

What do the patriots have against the loyalists?

The patriots disliked the loyalists because the loyalists belived that they should pay taxes in New England and the partiots belived that they should not have too. im doing this in history at the moment so i would know hope this helps!!

Why should you be a patriot?

patriots had the problems and they win the war for freedom of taxes and they had there rights the loyalists had no reason to make them pay taxes

Why did the loyalists make the patriots pay taxes?

There is no answer for this just yet sorry

What is the difference between a loyolist and a patriot?

In general, Royalists supported the power of King and Parliament to legislate all matters of colonial government. They say their opponents as traitors. In general those we now call Patriots were opposed to the way King and Parliament legislated all manner of colonial government matters, particularly taxation, and cam to support the Independence from the United kingdom of the 13 colonies.

Why don't the patriots like the king?

because he made them pay all of their money to him in the form of taxes

Why was it bad to be a loyalists?

If you were a loyalist your home could be destroyed, you had to pay overpriced taxes and you could of get hurt on the street

Why should loyalists pay taxes?

Sence everyone that gets a pay check pays taxes you should to. You call urself a loyalist, but you are asking why you should pay taxes? You dont sound to loyal to me. I hate paying taxes too but still got no choice. So pay them or work under the tabel get money any why you want, but if you get a pay check then your paying taxes.

Who were the smugglers in the 13 colonies?

Colonist patriots who didn't want to pay taxes to England.

What were the patriot views vs the loyalists views?

When the war of Independence began, colonists had to make a choice. They had to make a choice between remaining loyal or fighting for Independence. Colonist that supported independence from Britain was called Patriots. The patriots didn't like the British taxes. These colonists had no voice in the British parliament. The British shut down Boston Harbor port causing people to starve. The Colonist had no rights; the patriots didn't like the British taxes because they were unfair. Colonist that wanted to remain with Britain was known as Loyalist. They were usually wealthier than the patriots. Loyalist thought the British taxes made everything cheaper. They thought the taxes made everything cheaper. They also thought the taxes are fair pay for the protection of British navy. The loyalist thought the patriots acted like spoiled children. As this continued there were strong disagreements between both sides, which eventually led to disloyal acts against Great Britain which then led to war. - By Brezyy F. Babie Brown

How did the loyalists feel about the townshend act?

Since the colonists hated the townshed acts, they obviously tortured the loyalists working with the law. They buried them alive, boycotted, protested and took things to violent measures. Of course, the loyalists felt scared.