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Q: Did malala achieve her goal of fight for girls rights of going to schools?
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What influenced Malala to fight for her education?

Malala's fight for her education was influenced and inspired by Mahatma Gandhi.

How did malala fight for education in her country?

MALALLA Yousafzai started speaking about education rights. On an Interview she firmly stated <<I have a new dream ... I must be a politician to save this country. There are so many crises in our country. I want to remove these crises.>>

What who influenced malala to fight for her education?

Malala's fight for her education was inspired and influenced by Mahatma Gandhi, but her father actually had a large influence on her. He co-founded the school that Malala attended. He was very supportive of her in a culture that is not normally supportive of daughters. Throughout the sudden boost of fame, he has remained quite humble and tried to keep the focus on his daughter. In a recent interview, he was asked how he raised such a strong girl. He simply replied that he did not clip her wings.

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She thought women needed to fight for their rights.

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To establish territories and mating rights.

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Civil rights.

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They help all women fight for rights.

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bringing lawsuites

How does Abdul kalam fight for equal rights?

First of all the youth should fight for equal rights for all the citizens. Even now, there are lots of people who do not get equal rights.

Who did Italy have achieve to fight to achieve its own unification?

The Hapsburgs More than that they had to fight the French led by Napoleon 3, Austrians, Spanish and the Neapolitans.