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There is no harm in using tampons when you're pregnant, although pregnancy usually doesn't require tampons. Don't worry about it.

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Q: What if you used a tampon before you knew you were pregnant?
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Related questions

Can tampons get you pregnant?

the answer is NO. Lowering your changes of getting pregnant can only be successful through safe sex, which includes use of condoms or birth control contraceptives. wearing a tampon will NOT lower your chances. that is a myth

What is a bumba clat?

it is a used tampon

What are tampon sticks?

Tampon sticks are sticks that are used to push tampons into place. They are a basic form of applicator.

Can a vibrater pop a girls cherry?

Yes it can - you are technically not a virgin if you have used a tampon. Therefore a tampon can 'pop your cherry'.

Is it easier or harder to remove a used tampon?

In theory it should be easier to remove a tampon. When you come to remove a tampon it will be saturated with blood, assuming you've used it correctly, so it will be softer and better lubricated so there is less friction upon removal.

What is brushed cotton best used for?

Make-shift tampon.

Exercising while pregnant?

is still good for u , but not to exercise more than u used to do before getting pregnant

I haven't used a tampon before?

Talk with your adult caregiver (mom if she is in the picture) or a trusted adult female. Every young woman faces this and women are happy to help you.

What did people do before they knew what a meter was?

They used other units of measurement for length (such as the foot or yard).

How do you change a tampon?

You simply pull the tampon string gently but firmly - or insert clean fingers vaginally to grab the tampon itself in order to remove. Once removed you wrap-up the used tampon and throw in the waste bin, or if you'reusing reusable tampons clean out in the sink. You can then insert a fresh tampon or reinsert the reusable tampon - although it's best to alternate with pads after tampon use.

How long do you have to be off the pill before you can fall pregnant?

Typically a woman who had normal periods before using the pill will ovulate 2-4 weeks after stopping the pill. The average couple will get pregnant in six months, whether the pill was used before or never used.

What is bumbaclad?

It is a slang term for a used tampon. Or dried menstrual blood.