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No, the planes did not knock the Twin Towers down. They collapsed minutes after the planes hit and some are still skeptical as to why the collapses happened.

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Q: Did one plane knock down the twin towers?
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Iraq did not knock down the Twin Towers

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How many airplanes did it take to knock down the twin towers?

Two planes hit the towers.

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it was 10:30 when both towers come down.

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he knocked the twin towers down in new york and hijack some planes in the sky and he sent his troops to knock down some of the towers

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There were no children on the plane only adults.

How did the terrorist attack the twin towers?

!. They Hijacked an American Airlines plane. 2. They flew it into the towers.

When the plane crashed to the twin towers who died?

the people in the towers and the people hired to steer the planes.