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Yes, there were thousands of people who were displaced after Hurricane Katrina. People left the state and moved in with relatives all over the US.

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Yes, They had more than enough time.

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Q: Did people had enough time to evacuate when hurricane katrina happened?
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What happened to the hurricane?

hurricane katrina died out because there wasen't enough power for her to gog on so eventually she died out in new orleans

The government did not help enough with Hurricane Katrina rescue and relief.?

The government did not help enough with Hurricane Katrina rescue and relief.

Why worry about wetlands?

in hurricane katrina, New Orleans would have suffered less if there had been enough swamp.

What were the responses to hurricane Katrina?

people were shocked about hurricane katrina, after the extreme hurricane, money was very low. nobody had enough money to repair the damages, so people panicked terribly.hope i helped. sorry that there is not much there. but im in a rush :)

How many hurricane Katrina's have the US had since 2005 all the way up to 2011?

Only the one in 2005. 2005's Hurricane Katrina was bad enough that the name was retired, meaning that it will never be used to name another storm.

What was the main criticism of the federal government in the wake of Hurricane Katrina?

FEMA did not act quickly enough to provide food and water to victims after the storm.

Is a hurricane name ever retired?

Yes. If a hurricane is bad enough then the name is retired and replaced with one of the same gender and first letter. For example, Katrina in 2005 was bad enough that the name was replaced with Katia for the 11th named storm in the 2011 season.

With which statement would Carolyn Cole author of Witness to the Tragedy most likely agree?

The victims of Hurricane Katrina did not receive enough respect. The public's attention on New Orleans drifted away far too soon.

According to the author of the editorial it's time for a nation to return the favor new Orleans was flooded after hurricane Katrina because?

According to the author, the reason New Orleans was flooded after Hurricane Katrina was due to the weakness of the levee system surrounding the city.

How many people died after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans?

1st of all, people were not thinking when they wanted to stay in new Orleans when they knew the hurricane was coming. i think that they didn't have enough notice, or they didn't have cars to leave the city, or they had nowhere to go, or they had a tradition of staying in the same house for a certain amount of years. i wish that the people of new Orleans had a safe place to go so nobody would have to die. =(

Why is knowing just the speed at which a hurricane is traveling toward land not enough information to be able to warn people to evacuate?

Because the speed might change and the direction of travel might change. Hurricanes are not perfectly predictable.

When is there any change in the list used to name hurricanes?

When a hurricane is bad enough its named is retired and replaced with a named of the same gender and first letter. For example Katrina in 2005 was replaced with Katia in 2011.