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Q: Did people ride camels on the silk road?
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How do you travel on silk road?

People traveled on the silk road by caravan or by camels.

How people traded on the Silk Road?

I know that people traveled the silk road on horses and camels ,but I'm not sure if that's it, so feel free to improve my answer!

How did the Silk Road Work?

They traveled by horses, camels, and even caravans.

In addition to goods what else traveled along trade routes such as the silk road?


How was silk transported in ancient China?

Some of the animals used for silk transportation along the Silk Road were donkeys, horses, and camels.

Where did Marco Polo get his camels?

Marco Polo traded for them along the Silk Road.

How were goods transported on the silk road?

Goods are transported on the Silk Road usaully by foot. Along the way people will use camels, horses, and yaks to get safely across.

What kind of people traded on the silk road?

The merchants traded silk on the silk road

Were wagons used on the Silk Road 1250 AD or only camels and horses?

only camel and horses.

What was a caravan from back then used for?

There were no trucks or cars so a caravan was used to move people and things. Camels were used on the Silk Road to carry items from Asia to Europe. It was a very hard and long road.

How did the silk road help people?

because it was silk

How did the silk roads aid in the spreadof Buddhism?

Two monks named Moton and Chufarlan went to China in 67 CE using the "Silk Road". This was the introduction of Buddhism to China The silk road helped spread Buddhism, by cultural diffusion. When buddhists would travel the silk road to trade goods and suplies, Buddhist teachings would be passed on!