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Yes. Desponia, Arion, Ares, Athena, Apolo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen, Hephaestus, Perseus, Mnos, Zagreus, Despoine, Plutus, and Philomelus are her siblings.

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Q: Did pesophone goddess of the underworld have any silblings?
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What rules does Persephone the goddess give?

Any that Persephone so pleases as Queen of the Underworld.

Did Persephone have any power?

Of course Persephone has power. She isafter allthe queen of the Underworld and goddess of Spring.

Did Dmitri Kabalevsky have any silblings?

He had a sister named Elena.

What is Persephone's weapon?

Persephone needed no weapons, being the goddess of Spring and the Queen of the Underworld is enough to give anyone pause.

Does Roberta bondar have any silblings?

yes she has a sister named Barbra

Does Louis tomlison have any silblings?

He has 6 sisters and 1 brother

Does Demeter have any famous children?

Yes, Demeter has a famous child. Her name is Persephone, the goddess of spring and queen of the Underworld.

Did roman goddess proserpina have any kids?

No names that survived: it was of the Roman belief that Pluto and Proserpina could not have children being underworld/death gods.

Are there any 'Hunter Gods' in Pagan tradition other then Herne?

Skadi - (Norse) - Goddess of hunting & skiing. Ullr - (Norse) - God of Skiing & the Bow (hunting) Diana (Roman) - Goddess of the hunt Arawn (Welsh) - God of the Hunt and the Underworld Artemis (Greek) - Goddess of Childbirth and Hunting

Did Persephone have any special powers?

Yes, Persephone had several special powers. As the goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, she had the ability to bring forth new life and growth, as well as the power to control the seasons. She also had the ability to transmute into different forms and had control over the spirits of the dead.

What would happen to presephone if she ate someting in the underworld?

The ancieant myth about Persephone and Hades states that any living thing that eats food from the underworld must remain there for all time. Perssphone did eat six pomigranet seeds however, and therefore must spend six months of every year in the underworld. This myth was used by the Greeks and Romans to explain winter (Persephone was the goddess of spring and growing things)