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Q: Did president James Polk have any children with slave women?
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Would slave children get beat as bad as adults?

Slave men were beat more than slave women and children.

What is chattel slavery?

A form of slavery that makes slaves of the children of slave women

In the US slave system were the children of White slave women or Black slave men born into servitude in similar manner as were those of Black slave women?

If the father is not a slave than the child cant be born into slavery. It doesn't matter about the women its all about if the man is a slave or not

What is a form of slavery in which the slave is considered property and the children of slave women become slaves?

Chattel Slavery

What would slave women do?

slave women would usually work in the field with the men or sometimes they would work in their masters house to cook, clean, take care of the children, and teach the children.

Who were the only people that could vote?

Women Children and slave were unable to vote, so only men were able.

Who were slaves in ancient Greece?

Men, women and children either captured and sold into slavery, or born to a slave mother.

Which of 13 children was a girl whose birth name was Isabella Baumfree?

Truth was one of the ten or twelve children born to James and Elizabeth Baumfree (or Bomefree). She was born a US slave but became an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist and renamed herself Sojourner Truth.

What did Virginia declare in 1662?

In 1662 Virginia declared that the children of slave women were slaves for life. It did not matter who the father of the children were, they were still considered slaves to the white master.

How many children women and men died in all in the Holocaust?

The book "Thoughts About Women and the Holocaust" by Ringleheim, says that more women than men were killed. The men were used for slave labor. The women were often killed on their arrival in the camps.

What did a mother slave do after her kids were sold?

Female slaves who could no longer bear children would still be utilized in raising orphans or purchased slave children, or the white children of their masters. If this job wasn't available, they would be given other chores such as housekeeping, or sold to another master who needed women in those roles.

How did the domestic slave trade of black women affect slave families?

Unfortunately, the slave trade of black women and black people in general was devastating to slave families. Most often, families were separated, and black women never saw their families again.