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Unfortunately, the slave trade of black women and black people in general was devastating to slave families. Most often, families were separated, and black women never saw their families again.

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Q: How did the domestic slave trade of black women affect slave families?
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How did the end of the international slave trade affect domestic slavery?

Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.

How did the end of the international slave trade affect the institution of slave trade?

Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.

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Slave families were split up.

What was one result of domestic slave trade?

Slave families were split up.

What was one result of the domestic slave trade?

Slave families were split up.

How did the domestic slave trade affect African American families?

One of the tragic aspects of slavery in America was that families of African-American slaves could be broken up at will by the slave owners, who might sell some members of the families while keeping others. This is the origin of the phrase "sold down the river" (slaves were often traded on the Mississippi river).

How did slavery affect slave families?

Slavery affected the slave families in a negative manner. Most of the slaves felt like inferior beings and they were constantly mistreated by their masters.

What was the status of the black slave family?

The status of the black slave family was not good. These individuals and their family were not treated as equals to the white families that surrounded them.

What was one consequence of the domestic slave trade?

One consequence of the domestic slave trade was the separation of families, as enslaved individuals were often bought and sold independently from one another, tearing apart family units. This led to trauma, loss of kinship ties, and disrupted cultural connections among enslaved communities.

How did slavery affect black families?

It mostly ruined black families from losing loved ones from being killed from white slave masters.However, if you bring views to current times, some feel it strengthened the black family. (Though completely destroying families at the time.)It also took mother's children away from them, even at an early age.They were treated cruelly- the U.S Congress ruled that slaves were property, not citizens.

What was the domestic slave trade?

The domestic slave trade involved the buying and selling of enslaved individuals within the United States, primarily from the Upper South to the Lower South. It was a lucrative business that contributed to the expansion of slavery in the southern states. The trade tore families apart and subjected people to harsh and inhumane treatment.

How did the slave trade start and continue?

Slave families were split up.