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yes he did and she loved it

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Q: Did robbiehave se with neds sister lastnight?
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¿Como se llama tu hermana? What's your sister's name? You would reply with: Mi hermana se llama (name). My sister's name is blank.

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How do you reply to como se iiama tu hermana mayor?

Tell them your older sister's name. :) They are asking "what is your older sister's name?" The word is llama, not iiama.

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When talking to your friend, you would say: "¿Cómo se llama tu hermano?"

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¿Cómo se llaman las personas de tu familia? literally translated is 'How are called the persons of your family?'. In other words, "What are your family members called?'You could respond to this with any or all of the following:Mi madre se llama ...(My mother is called ...)Mi padre se llama ...(My father is called ...)Mi hermano/hermana mayor se llama ...(My older brother/sister is called ...)Mi hermano/hermana menor se llama ...(My younger brother/sister is called ...)Mi abuela se llama ...(My grandmother is called ...)Mi abuelo se llama ...(My grandfather is called ...)Mi tía se llama ...(My aunt is called ...)Mi tío se llama ...(My uncle is called ...)You get the idea ...

What does Como se llaman tus hermanas mean?

"Como se llaman tus hermanas" means "What are your sisters' names?" in English.

Como se dice en ingles mi hermana tiene 10 anhos?

My sister has 10 years old.

How do you say what is your sister doing in spanish?

Como se llama tu/su hermana (informal/formal)

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