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yes she died the day of the bomb

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Q: Did sadako grandma have leukemia too?
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Where did sadako die?

Sadako died in the Hiroshima Rad Cross Hospital at the age of 12. She had leukemia.

Is the leukemia disease as deadly as it was when sadako had it?

I think leukemia is deadly if you are exposed to a huge amount of radiation.

How did Sadako die?

Sadako Sasaki died of leukemia in a red cross hospital And because she did not achieve her goal of folding 1,000 paper cranes


She developed leukemia because of the radiation from the atomic bomb dropped by the United States during WW2.

At what age was sadako sasaki diagnosed with leukemia?

she was diagnosed at age 11 but the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima when she was 2.

In Sadko and the thousand paper cranes why does the girl die?

sadako sasski dies from leukemia and she does not reach her goal to make 1,000 paper cranes

What was the conflict in the story Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes?

The main conflict in Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes is Sadako's battle with leukemia, a result of radiation exposure from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. She turns to folding paper cranes in the hope that she can reach the goal of folding a thousand cranes, which according to Japanese tradition, would grant her a wish to be cured.

What year did kenji's in the book sadako and the thousand paper cranes die?

Kenji, a character in "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes," died around 1951. The book is based on the real-life story of Sadako Sasaki, who died in 1955 after being diagnosed with leukemia due to radiation exposure from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

How many paper cranes did sadako fold?

Sadako Sasaki folded over 1,000 paper cranes while she was being treated for leukemia, inspired by the Japanese legend that says anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish.

How do say grandma in hawaiian?

Tutu pronounced (too-too) means grandma.

Did any people survive the Atomic bomb?

I THINK I KINDA KNOW:Well, I did read a book about the atomic bomb. It's called Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. In it, a girl named Sadako and her family which survives the atom bomb realize that Sadako has leukemia from the radiation the atomic bomb gave off. Sadako's best friend tells her that if she makes 1,000 paper cranes, the gods will grant her any wish she desires, like, I don't know, FOR HER TO SURVIVE THE LEUKEMIA! So she sets on making paper cranes to fulfill her wish to get better, and be able to go home again. At the hospital, she makes a friend, who also has the same problem as he, but it is too late for him to make a 1,000 paper cranes. He then, one night, lets his soul leave his body, and dies. Sadako's family keeps on visiting her, and they buy her great gifts, but she still doesn't get better. One evening, after she makes her last paper crane, she closes her eyes, and goes to sleep...forever. A true story based on Sadako Sasaki, a real patient of leukemia who bravely fights against sickness, but sadly loses the long, painful battle. There are shrines and statues of her around japan too. The book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes originally written by her classmates, and passed on through the years, corrected, and rewritten to today, when we remember who we had killed by dropping the atom bomb.SO MY ANSWER IS:Yes, some people did survive, but part of the ones who did, died a slow and painful death of leukemia.I read the same book and i cried bucketfuls

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