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No. They should be at your local zoo. You can also buy them in the meat section at your local grocery store.

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Q: Did scientists prove unicorns don't exist?
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Unicorns are awesome except they dont exist. and no they cant. if unicorns did exist we'd see them flying all over the place. but no we dont. x)

Where are the unicrons originated from?

Unicorns dont exist...sorry to burst your bubble

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Where did the unicorns go?

The spend their summers on Fire Island and the rest of the year in the North Pole.

What do unicorns look like?

people think that they have white hair with a pink horn.

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aliens doesn't exist its just an imagination of scientists really i dont believe in these things

I believe in unicorns why dont you?

i beleve there are unicrons

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it depend if you want them to be or not if not look to the science facts about there is no logical explanation for turning people to stone. If you want them to exist say to the people who say they dont exist : PROVE IT

Do unicorns have avatars?

unicorns are real creatures that twitch their eye . No unicorns dont have avatars instead they have these amazingly wild creatures called.... bunnies. Shhh dont tell anyone i wasnt supposed to let u know that but since we are talking about it bunnies all come from unicorn land where unicorns ride them.

What evidence is there that ghosts dont exist?

Honestly... NONE!!! Though there is little "scientific" (what an awful word) proof that spirits exist... there is even less to prove otherwise. Open for discussion, B.D.W.

How can you find a unicorn?

UNICORNS ARE FICTIONAL That means they don't live, they never lived, they will never live. Or...They are not real Well unicorns were said to have lived long ago. If you've herd the story of Noah's Ark it says in some versions that unicorns drowned because they didn't get on the ark but i dont think they exist im sorry love. :( Unicorns are real, thair is a beetle called the Unicorn Beetle. It lives is south Amarica.

Who are the pink and blue unicorns on charlie the unicorn?

the pink and blue unicorns are charlies [so-called] friends. but they usually drag him into trouble. they dont have names