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Q: Did silk influence other civilizations
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How was the silk route introduced to other civilizations?

They introduced the silk road to other civilizations by trading.

How do you think other civilizations have developed differently without their influence?

WHOSE influence?

What civilizations used the silk road?

chinese civilizations

What was the importance of the silk road to other civilizations?

helped trade to flourish and the economy to be goodful

How did other civilizations influence Byzantine culture?

the cultrure influence by giving to most uplifing thing

How does Chinese culture influence other cultures?

by influencing silk and other products

Why was silk road invetded?

The silk road was invented because the Chinese needed a fast but effective way of trading goods to other civilizations in their area.

What are the resaults of the silk road?

The silk road was a huge part of our world history it spread many new ideas and innovations it spread Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam as well as other religions it made many civilizations rich and developed silk roads also spread goods from one civilization to the next such as silk from china and spices from India but the silk road also cause diseases such as measles and black plague to spread and wipe out civilizations.

Which civilizations gave us silk?

Here's a clue... I know that the Chinese formed silk worms which formed our silk, but I forgot which cradle it was.

What was the political influence of Buddhism in the Tang Empire?

the political influence of Buddhism in the tang empire was the silk roads

What was the most important land based trade route connecting China with other civilizations?

the great trade route was known as the silk road that had many other trade routes connecting China to the rest of the world with the great trade

What goods flowed through the silk road?

silk, ivory, jade, glass, cloths, and gold. that's all i know as for now :)