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Q: Did small states worried that the large states would have too much power in new government?
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Why were some states hesitant in signing the Constitution?

Worried about the loss of power held by states when the constitution became law.

Why do you think the smaller states oppose the western claims of the larger states?

Because the larger states would have too much representation in the government. The smaller states were worried that they would loose their power in the government.

Why were southern states concerned about giving the federal government the power to regulate international commerce?

They were worried that the government would put restriction on the slave trade. Apex

The people of the original 13 states were used to being led by a king they did not like king and feared any kind of national what?

government. They were wary of giving too much power to a centralized government, as they worried it could become tyrannical like the monarchy they had just fought to separate from. Instead, they favored a system of government with more power granted to individual states.

Were the federalists for a large government or for power to the states?

The federalists were for a large national government. They believed that the wealthy and well-educated people would be able to make better decisions for the country than the people (states).

What argued that because states created the national government the national government's power should be secondary to states' power?

who said they need more power, for the States? And they felt that they should have more Power was the government

What is the purpose of the tenth amendment?

The purpose of the 10th amendment was to secure the rights of the states from a large national government. It says that any power not delegated (given) to the national government nor prohibited by it to the states (article 1 section 10) is given to the states or the people. This prohibited the federal government from gaining too much power, and giving all issues not given to the federal government to the states

Why were states given more power than the federal government?

Then the states would have more power than the national government.

Why did some states show a lack of support for the constitution?

Worried about the loss of power held by states when the constitution became law.

What branch of government did the anti federalist want to have the most power?

If by "government" you mean "federal government" then they wanted the Congress to have the most power because it gave more power to states through direct representation. If by "government" you mean "any government in the United States", then they wanted the states to have more power, similarly to the Articles of Confederation, the States' rights movements of the 1800s, and later the Confederate States of America

Confederate form of government?

a government that is characterized by a loosely organized group of individual and independent states and a weak central government

Why did the southern states use the name Confederate States of America?

A Confederation is a government in which the individual states have greater power than the central government, thus the Confederate States wanted to be opposite of the US government where the central government was obtaining more power over the individual states.