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Q: Did some neighbouring tribes join the Spanish to attack the Aztecs?
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What kind of relations did the Aztecs have with neighbouring nations or tribes?

none, they kept to themselves.

Who were the tribes that the Aztecs fought with?

The Aztecs fought with many tribes, including the Texlacans, the Huaxtec, the Purempecha, Mayans,and the spanish conquistadors

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Which native American civilizations helped conquer the Aztecs?

The Aztec Empire had made many enemies among the neighbouring tribes, some of whom had been subjugated by them but still bore resentment towards the Aztecs. The Spaniards were very quick to ally themselves to these enemies of the Aztecs, since the one thing they lacked was numbers. The main tribes who sided with the Spanish were the Totonacs (theoretically conquered by the Aztecs) and Tlaxcallans, against whom the Aztecs had long been waging a war of annihilation. Other warriors came from Cholula and Huextzingo.

Why was the Aztecs civilization destroyed?

Spanish invaders that conquered the Aztecs were way more advanced and were believed to be gods by the Aztexs when they first arrived. The Spanish also had the help og the Aztecs rival tribes.

Who was the first people to attack the Aztecs?

In years past, I've read about the answer[s], but cannot recall the names of the tribes, BUT long before the Spanards, the Aztecs were either attacked by, or involved in battles with, other indigenous tribes.

What is the guy spying on in time tangled island?

The Spanish conquistador is watching the Aztecs at 1519 AD. In real life, the Spanish conquered the Aztecs in Mexico with the help of rival tribes, in 1520.

What factors enable the spanish to defeat the Aztecs?

The Spanish had superior weaponry to the Aztecs, and were aided by rival tribes who resented Aztec rule. The primary reason may have been the effect of the diseases spread to the Aztecs by the Spanish. Lacking any immunity to these diseases, many of the Aztecs became seriously ill or died.

Who feared the Aztec's?

The Aztecs where feared by the Spanish when the Spanish had arrived. This is because they didn't have reinforcements. Also the Chichimec tribes and the Apachean Tribes. NOTE: All of the minor tribes feared them because they didn't have power or good military.

How were the Spanish able to defeat the empires of the Aztecs and Incas?

the Spanish were able to defeat the aztecs because of the aztecs own religion because they thought that the spanish ruler was there long lost god and they gave him so much gold that he wanted more and more also because they had swords and guns and they turned to the tribes next to the aztecs for help to the aztecs land.

Why were the Aztecs defeated?

the Aztecs as other native American races were defeated for several reasons: the spanish soldiers had allied with other tribes to defeat them (the tlaxcalls) the spanish soldiers carried diseases that killed many Indians (smallpox) the spanish had technologies that gave them advantage in combat (horses powder and different combat strategies)

Why didnt the Incas know about the spanish conquest of the other tribes?

because they had little contact with the Mayas and Aztecs