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Q: Did the Aztecs believed that the gods governed everything?
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Did the Aztecs believed that the emperors governed everything?

No, They beleaved that the gods governed everything.

What did the Aztecs believe?

The Aztecs Believed in all kinds of diffrent gods and godesses

What did the Aztecs believe were the gods responsibilities?

The Aztecs believed the gods responsibilities were to control every aspect of their world and give signs on how to live.

What type of religion did the aztecs have?

they believed in the sun go do therefore it was the false gods they had believed in

Do Aztecs believe in god?

yes, the Aztecs believed in many gods. They built ziggurats for the gods. On top of each ziggurat there were many shrines

What was believed to please the Aztec gods?

War and bloodshed. Whenever the Aztecs fought, it fed their gods. The Aztecs believed their gods were alive so they had to eat too. It was said that if a woman died during childbirth or a man in battle that they would go to the afterlife with honor and grace, like a king. The men were trained to be warriors at a very young age. The Aztecs were very war-like people, because of their gods. Basically, they did everything to please their gods. Human sacrifice was a major one of those things.

How was Sumerian governed?

It was a hierarchy. People believed that the Gods picked a king for them.

Why did the Aztecs perform human sacrifices What did they believe would happen if they did not?

The Aztecs performed human sacrifices for their gods. They believed that they owed everything towards them since the gods had created their very existence, and they thanked the gods by sacrificing. They believed that by sacrificing the gods would be pleased and would offer them good harvest, health, and weather. They thought that if they didn't sacrifice the gods wouldn't be happy and would send disasters towards them, like everything opposite of what they would do if they were happy. For example, natural disasters, illness, and bad crops. I hoped this helped.

Who did the Aztecs believe in?

The Aztecs believed in many different gods, including Tenochtitlan, the sun god, and the war god.

Why did the Mayans believed that gods controlled everything on earth?

they believed that the gods controlled everything only because they felt they were not worthy and powerful enough,Aztecs on the other hand bellieved they were strong enough to control the earth.but the mayans did not believe they could handle such a powerful job. im maya rodriguez and i aprove this message lololol!

Why were the people sacrificed in the Aztecs?

The Aztecs believed that to show their devotion, love and belief to their gods they had to sacrifice human life. They believed that there was no new life without death. lalala fart :)

Why do Aztecs eat sperm?

Cause they believed it would make be more accepted by there gods