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Q: Did the Committee of Correspondence communicate with other colonies?
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What does Committee of correspondence mean?

It means a committee (group) set up to engage in correspondence (written communication, letter writing) with other groups. The committees of correspondence were bodies organized by the local colonial leaders of the Thirteen Colonies before and during the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication between separate cities and colonies.

How did Samuel Adams spread news throughtout the colonies?

Most colonies formed committees of communication that corresponded with their counterpart in the other colonies.

Who started the committees of correspondence to keep the colonies talking to each other?

Samuel Adams was a member of the Sons Of Liberty who started the committee of correspondence to stir up public support for American Independenceyv0n3

How did the committee of correspondence help the colonists cause?

This committee circulated writings about colonists' grievances against Britain. Soon other committees of correspondence sprang up throughout the colonies, bringing together protesters opposed to Britain ≈ Slim

Who Patriot started committees of correspondence to keep the colonies talking to each other before and during the American Revolution?

Samuel Adams was a member of the Sons Of Liberty who started the committee of correspondence to stir up public support for American Independenceyv0n3

A chain of communication with other colonies?

Committees of Correspondence

What was formed to help keep the colonies informed of British actions?

The committee of correspondence was set up by the colonists to correspond with each other and the British. The First Continental Congress followed shortly after and met in Philadelphia, PA.

Why was the committees of correspondence created?

It was made because the colonists of America wanted to keep each other informed about important events. An example is when and where the British were going to attack or what will the British tax next?

How did the committees of correspondence help unify the colonists?

The Committees of Correspondence kept the colonies in touch with each other, sharing information about British activities and colonial responses to them. They enabled the colonies to coordinate their activities to become more effective in achieving their goals, including the one that ultimately affected all of them : independence from Britain.

Where were the committees of correspondence set up?

At first in Boston (1772) and in other American colonies by 1774.

Who were Leaders of the committee of correspondence?

Samuel Adams and Dr. Joseph Warren in Boston, other key political leaders in other cities. Many of them were active in the colonial legislatures under the British, until their authority was usurped by changes in the British approach to the American colonies in the early 1770s.

Who initiated the committee of correspondence?

Samuel Adams of Boston initiated the first Committee of Correspondence in November 1772. He, Dr. Joseph Warren, James Otis and over a dozen other Patriot leaders asked the Boston town meeting to form an official committee in response to the most recent British offense, their wanting to send colonials to England for trial because they had attacked a British customs ship, the HMS Gaspée, that had been trying to enforce the unpopular new trade regulations. The stated purpose of the Boston Committee of Correspondence was to prepare a statement of the rights of the colonists, declare that these rights had been infringed by the British, and send a letter to all the towns of the Province of Massachusetts and "the world", most importantly the other colonies, to tell them of this. The larger purpose of the Committee of Correspondence, though, was to create a system of spreading information about the latest offenses of the British government, to build support for their cause throughout the outlying towns of their own colony and in other colonies as well and to coordinate the responses of the colonists. Because there was no other way to spread news effectively, they wrote letters and pamphlets (the usual way to promote political issues at that time) and sent them out by postal rider or ship.