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Q: Did the Cyrillic alphabet was invented for a Christian Missionary he still used today by Russians Ukrainians Serb and Bulgarians?
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Was the Cryillic alphabet invented by a christian missionary and is still used today by Russians Ukrainians serbs and Bulgarians?

Cyrillic is named for St. Cyril, a 9th-century Greek missionary who helped spread Orthodoxy further into northeastern Europe. Cyril and others helped to create alphabets for the Slavic languages they encountered, using their own Greek alphabet as a starting point.

Who created the Cyrillic alphabet?

It was created in the 9th century by Bulgarians.

What do you know about Bulgaria?

It is situated in the Balkans. Bulgarians write in Cyrillic. Its a nice country.

What alphabet do the Bulgarians use?

Bulgarians use the Cyrillic alphabet to write their language. It consists of 30 letters and is similar to the one used in Russian, Serbian, and other Slavic languages.

Who invented the cyrillic alphabet?

The Cyrillic alphabet is named after St. Cyril, a missionary from Byzantium. It was invented during the 10th Century, possibly by St. Kliment of Ohrid, to write the Old Church Slavonic language.

How did the Russian civilization adopted the cyrillic alphabet?

The Cyrillic alphabet was adapted by the Russian civilization in the 9th century from the Byzantine Empire. It was introduced by the missionary brothers Cyril and Methodius, who were invited by the ruler of the Eastern Slavic tribes to spread Christianity and develop a written script for the Slavic languages. The Cyrillic alphabet was modified over time to suit the specific linguistic needs of the Russian language.

What do people do in Bulgaria?

Bulgaria is Eurpean Nation country and its a full member of the EU. So people here in Bulgaria do the same activities, they do in rest of the Europe. Still people from people differs, cultures dffers too. Here are some points of interest. a. Bulgarians speak in Bulgarski, and write in Cyrillic b. Common hard drink is called Rakia, very popular. c. Bulgarians are orthodox christians

What is thank you in cyrillic?

In Cyrillic, "thank you" is spelled "спасибо".

When Cyrillic alphabet change to Romanian Latin alphabet who did implement it perhaps circumstances reasons and when?

I think the "scoala ardeleana" wanted in 1860 to change the cyrillic to latin because the romanian language is a latin language and it suits it better-----------The Latin alphabet become official in Principatele Unite ale Moldovei şi Ţării Româneşti in 1862, during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The Romanian language is a Latin (Romanic) language; the Cyrillic alphabet was introduced many centuries ago by Bulgarians and Serbians monks speaking Slavic languages and unaware of the Romanian language.

What is please in Russian cyrillic?

Please in Russian Cyrillic is пожалуйста.

When was the Cyrillic alphabet made?

The Cyrillic alphabet was developed in the 10th Century.

How do you spell Russian in cyrillic?

"Russian" in Cyrillic is spelled as "русский".