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Bulgarian uses the Cyrillic alphabet.


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4d ago

Bulgarians use the Cyrillic alphabet to write their language. It consists of 30 letters and is similar to the one used in Russian, Serbian, and other Slavic languages.

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Q: What alphabet do the Bulgarians use?
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Who created the Cyrillic alphabet?

It was created in the 9th century by Bulgarians.

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Yes, they do. Bulgarians have a president and a prime minister too.

Who was St.Cyrill?

St. Cyrill is a person born in Solun (Thesaloniki) in 9 century. Along with his brother Saint Methodius were the missioners of Christianity throughout the Slavic nations and they were the people that made the first literal language know as Old Slavonic Language. Their ethnicity is little problematic. Many scholars are debating whether they are Macedonians or Bulgarians (but deffinitly they are not Greeks). Considering the fact that they were born on the territory of Macedonia and the basis of their language was Macedonia- we can easily conclude that they were Macedonians. Bulgarians claim that they were Bulgarians, just because their first alphabet was the Cyrillic. Two brothers were sent to Moravia (present day Czech republic) to spread out the Christianity to the Slavs at that region and to introduce the new alphabet called Glagolic, invented by the two brothers. After few years the alphabet is simplified to the Cyrillic alphabet by the Macedonian Saint Climent of Ohrid. This alphabet is used today by Macedonian, Serbian, Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Mongolian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Bulgarian language.

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We use the Latin alphabet, which was based on the Greek Alphabet, which was inspired by the Hebrew Alphabet.

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