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yes but the nose fell off

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3y ago
Convenient to say it fell off. It was taken off deliberately. The French have the answer and the world will one day know the origin of mans first civilisation! 

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Q: Did the Egyptians build the sphinx with a nose?
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Why did the Ancient Agyptians build the Sphinx?

it is spelled Egyptians, and yes

Why did the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids and the sphinx?

the lion was the king of the jungle.

How did the sphinx's eygept nose get chopped off?

the Egyptians made a replica of King Khufu (the sphinx) but they were not allowed to make exact replicas of pharaohs so they had to take off the nose.

Why did the Egyptians build shpinx?

Why did the Egyptians build the Sphinx ? They built the sphinx because they wanted protection for the wealthy people. They also wanted something mysterious, and wanted something that would give a safe passage way for the dead into the afterlife. Why did the Egyptians build the Sphinx ? They built the sphinx because they wanted protection for the wealthy people. They also wanted something mysterious, and wanted something that would give a safe passage way for the dead into the afterlife.

How many years did it take the Egyptians to build the Great Sphinx?

Around fifty. It took thousands of men to build it.

Tut that build sphinx What is his real name?

Without further context, it is difficult to determine the real name of the person referred to as "Tut that build sphinx."

How did the egyptians build the sphinx?

With patience, sand stone, hand tools and an endless supply of slave labor.

Did egyptians build the Sphinx?

well there's alot of pyramids but the first pyramid ever made, that was earlier

Who used sphinx?

The Egyptians

What did ancient egyptians offer to the sphinx?

They offered loyalty to the sphinx in honour.