

Did the Germans need lebensraum

Updated: 8/23/2023
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15y ago

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yes, the Germans needed lebensraum because they needed more resources and land.

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Q: Did the Germans need lebensraum
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Did Hitler believe Germans need lebensraum?


Did Hitler think that Germans need lebensraum?


What is a sentence with the word lebensraum?

Hitler sought more space for Germans to inhabit in Europe. Thus, he developed the policy of "lebensraum".

Did Hitler believe that Germans need lebensraum?

I beleive that this answer is conservitive in nature, but nonetheless true. Hitler partially beleived in lebensraum, [living space (i.e. -- more room for Germans to live in in France and Russia )] but more importantly he believed in conquering all of Europe and to the ends of the Earth if he could. So yes, he did believe in lebensraum for the purpose of more space, and also for the purpose of an excuse for conquest.

Hitler justified Germany's aggression by stating that?

Germans had the right to conquer inferior peoples

How do you use Lebensraum in a sentence?

A German word meaning "living space", the term "lebensraum" would most properly be italicized or placed in quotation marks when used in an English sentence. Thus, just one example-sentence would be the following: "In 1941, in pursuit of the 'lebensraum' which they eyed covetously to the east, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union."

What factor or ideology was most closely related to the need for additional Germany territory?


A German word to justify German territorial expansion to the east by the need for more room?

Drang nach Osten. "yearning for the East"The questioner is probably thinking of "lebensraum"

What was lebensraum World War 2?

Lebensraum was a German policy (created by Adolf Hitler) in World War II that states Germany needed more living space. Germany wanted to control parts of Russia, Poland, and other Slavic nations, kill the "inferior" population of people, and allow Germans to live there. You are WELCOME!

What is lebensraum as related to World War 2?

"Living space" Hitler felt Germany need to grow

How can you use Lebensraum in a sentence?

Well, Lebensraum literally means "Living room" or "Living space". So in a sentence in English wherever you were to use Living room or living space slip in Lebensraum instead.Ex. Hitler used Lebensraum as an excuse to conquer countries.

What does the German word lebensraum mean?

Lebensraum is the land or territory that a country's leaders believe it requires in order to grow and flourish. The word lebensraum has almost always been used to talk about Germany's strategy in World War II.