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Q: Did the Jews know about the concentration camp before they went?
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Did the Jews know of the existence of the concentration camp?

Yes, everyone did, like they knew of prisons or courts.

What was Terezin before the Nazis turned it into a concentration camp?

i dont know please tell me!

What does Bruno in the boy in the striped pajamas see through his window in Berlin?

Bruno sawed a concentration camp, but did not know it was a concentration camp.

Did Anne Frank know what a concentration camp was?

I didn't think she know that time .

What was life like for the Jews when they were in a concentration camp?

It was hard for the Jews.They were forced to work and forced to wear stripy pyjamas and sleep together in grotty rooms they didnt know what was going to happen

Did hermann goering kill Jews if did how many?

Herman goering was in charge of the the first built concentration camp. I don't really know how many he killed.

Which concentration camp were people settle in a cattle car?

Pretty much all concentration camps had a railway track near to the camp where the deportees would arrive from. The concentration camp which people most likely to know which had a rail track going into the camp would be Auschwitz Birkenau.

How did the citizens not know about the concentration camp?

Most Germans did know, at least that the camps existed. Some kidded themselves that they were just forced labor camps. Some knew they were death camps, but as it was "just Jews", they didn't care.

Where is Anne Frank's grave know?

Bergen-Belson concentration camp.

How did the Nazis know that all of the Jews where still in the Concentration Camps?

they werent, some jews were hiding

What are the rarest concentration camp?

It is not clear what you want to know. The smallest camp? The one with fewest survivors, or a camp one hardly ever hears about?

Did Jews know about the concentration camps?

Your question is unclear. As a many Jews were in the camps it is safe to assume that they knew of them.