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No thet didn't

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Q: Did the Nazis return artwork to the museums?
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Where is Kandinsky's original artwork?

In most museums of modern art.

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Where can one find artwork for sale?

Depending on what genre of artwork, it can be found practically everywhere in places such as art conventions, museums and even places as simple as car boot sales.

What types of artwork did the Nazis steal?

The Nazis stole all kinds of artwork, from paintings to sculptures. It was common practice to loot the personal possessions from Jewish people as they were relocated into concentration camps. Even gold tooth fillings were not safe from the Nazi's pillaging.

What kind of things are often at exhibition displays?

Anything you can imagine could be in a museum. There are art museums and history museums and nature museums and culture museums and wax museums and horror museums - and if it can be put on display, you can probably find it in a museum somewhere in the world.

What type of media provides color saturatiion and shadows?

If you want a form of media providing color saturation and shadows, you should look to visual media. This includes television, artwork in museums, digital artwork, photography, and tattoos.

Will Concorde ever return to service?

Sadly, It will never come back but it is at certain museums around the world.

Which online websites have images of children's art?

National Gallery and art education websites will show examples of children's artwork, though some international galleries will also have a small section dedicated to the same. There is also one or two online museums that specialize in children's artwork.

How do you tell an artwork from a fake?

Famous forgers have mixed their own paints and know many ways to fool the average person. To really know if a piece of art is original, and done by the claimed artist is to have an expert examine it. One can be assured that artwork in well known museums is original.

Are painings in museums the real thing?

Unless it is noted that the artwork is a print or reproduction, yes all the paintings and sculptures you see are real. If would be unethical for them to not tell you when they have a reproduction on display.

How rich were the Nazis?

It's impossible to define except to say 'extremely rich'. The Nazis ruthlessly plundered European banks,treasuries, museums and even pulled the gold from tortured peoples teeth. They ended the war with billions even though technically beaten.

What types of museums are there?

There are many different types of museums, including art museums, history museums, natural history museums, anthropological museums, tribal museums, children's museums, and science museums.